Alright, so @philnash roped me into this one.
This post’s birth comes from a gist which is essentially a copy paste of my git aliases.
I’m going to provide my list of git aliases and explain what each alias does, plain and simple. Let’s get started! 🏁 For those new to git aliases, please see the defacto docs on aliases. In a nutshell though, to create your own aliases, use the following git command.
git config --global alias.somealias some-git-command
Before we get started, why git aliases? Well for one thing, I don’t know about you, but some git commands are hard to remember and also, we’re programmers, which means we’re lazy by default to be efficient. 🐢 —> 🐇
a = add .
— Runninggit add
will add all files that have changed as staged.b = branch
— Lists all branches for your repository on your local = bisect
— Runninggit bi
will run git’s bisect to help you figure out which commit has a = commit -m
— This will commit a file with the message you specify, e.g.git ci "awesome commit!"
.co = checkout
— This will checkout the branch you specify, e.g.git co my-awesome-branch
colast = checkout -
— Runninggit colast
will checkout the previous branch you were working in.db = branch -D
— This will delete the branch you specify, e.g.git db my-not-so-awesome-branch
. Note that this will only work if the branch you’re deleting is not the one you’re currently working in.laf = fsck --lost-found
— Runninggit laf
will bring you to git’s lost and found. I’ll admit that I rarely use this, so perhaps it doesn’t warrant an alias and just some professional Googling.last = log -1 HEAD
— Runninggit last
will show you what your last commit = diff HEAD^ HEAD
- Compares the head of your branch to the previous = push --force-with-lease
— Runninggit pf
forces a push, but it is a little less destructive than forcing a push. See here for more info on —force-with-lease vs. —force.psu = push --set-upstream
— Run this when you want to push a branch for the first time to the remote (typicallyorigin
), e.g.git psu origin my-awesome-branch
.pr = pull --rebase
— This will rebase your current branch with the branch specified, e.g.git pr develop
.ra = rebase --abort
— Runninggit ra
will abort a rebase. Run this when you’re like, my rebase is currently messed up. Get me outta here!rc = rebase --continue
— Runninggit rc
will continue a rebase. You typically run this when you’ve handled any conflicts in a rebase.remotes = remote -v
— Runninggit remotes
shows all the remotes currently configured for a repository.renb = branch -m
— When you want to rename a branch, run e.g.git renb my-awesom-branch my-awesome-branch
.rhh = reset --hard HEAD
— The nuclear option. Rungit rhh
to wipe out all your changes and start from theHEAD
.rh = reset --hard
— When you specify what to reset to, a hard reset is performed, e.g.git rh HEAD~2
.sfc = diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r
— Shows files (relative file paths) for a specific commit, e.g.
❯ git sfc HEAD
s = status -s
— Runninggit s
will give you a more terse status. Instead of this
On branch post/my-git-aliases
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/post/my-git-aliases'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: src/pages/articles/2018-08-24-my-git-aliases/
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
You get this
M src/pages/articles/2018-08-24-my-git-aliases/
stashes = stash list
— Runninggit stashes
shows you all the stashes you have from stashing. e.g.
stash@{0}: WIP on upgrade: bff6257 Destructuring OCD...
stash@{1}: WIP on upgrade: 3d73199 Fixed LiceCap link.
stash@{2}: WIP on upgrade: c2f78g6 Update default title.
unstash = stash pop
— Runninggit unstash
pops a stash off the list of saved = clean -dfx
— Runninggit vc
cleans your git repository, so anything not in git is wiped, e.g.node_modules
, settings files which aren’t supposed to be in a repo etc. So BEWARE before you run this.mend = commit --amend
— Runninggit mend
lets you amend a commit.trigger = commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger Build"
— Creates an empty commit. This is handy when you need to restart a build remotely in your CI/CD pipeline without committing changes.alias = ! git config --get-regexp ^alias\. | sed -e s/^alias\.// -e s/\ /\ =\ /
— Runninggit aliases
will show all the aliases you have configured globally in git.
Although it's not Git aliases, I also highly recommend using the GitHub CLI.
Photo courtesy of Flickr user cindy